


Code : SPI-018

The Wiseman’s bourbon To shape the future, first you must learn from the past. Distil the wisdom of previous generations, and then, break free. Take a leap. Find a spark of something new. In short, you must innovate. Kentucky Owl is an exceptional bourbon with the thirst to learn, the hunger to build, and the mindset to dream. This is a drink for those with a pioneering spirit which knows no bounds. For those who want to take on a world filled with imperfections, and make it something greater, we made the Kentucky Owl WiseMan. Wisdom. Progress and innovative spirit, distilled in every bottle.

Product detail

Aroma:  a  sweet  caramel  aroma,  followed  by  a warming allspice lift, a sprinkling of citrus and a hint of oak.
Taste: caramel and allspice which present an excellent flavor as the mildly silky liquid crosses the tongue.
Finish: Long with allspice, Caramel and hints of oak.